State-modeling clipf
1 License
Copyright (C) 2016 Dominic Walden.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be found here:
2 Mission
Using state modeling heuristics to learn about clipf and perhaps find some bugs.
3 Session
While clipf was running I deleted ~/.clipf/. clipf does not recreate file, but nothing bad appears to happen as a result.
What it did reveal, however, is that Operations do not appear to be stored on clipf in the way Products are. After deleting ~/.clipf/ running "op ls" returns nothing, but "prod ls" returns the Products clipf knew about before ~/.clipf/ was deleted.
This suggests that clipf stores Products "internally" and does not re-read the Products database after startup. Operations appear to be stored "externally" and the Operations database is re-read each time an appropriate event is triggered.
If my reasoning above is correct, here are some potential bugs:
- It means the implementation is inconsistent ("inconsistent with product" in Bolton's terminology). This may or may not concern a user of this program.
- One of the advantages of using text files might be to allow clipf to run "stateless". This is defeated if Product list is stored internal to clipf.
- Also, allows the possibility of creating an Operation associated to a non-existent Product, which it normally would not allow.
- Also, means op and prod commands handle deleting ~/.clipf/ differently.
- Indeed, clipf thinks there might be products (and be able to add more products) even if product file does not exist at all.
- Nor does it write to the DB file on shutdown, so consistency is not assured from one session to the next.
- Doesn't appear to be any way of refreshing the Products clipf knows about (apart from restarting clipf).
- No recovery from deleting ~/.clipf/.
Attempting to test the "pre-config" state, I changed the permissions on ~/.clipf/ so clipf could not read or write. Started clipf and saw: "Version mismatch db version is 0.3.5 while program require 0.4 version. Run clipf with –migrate option to convert database" Which is hidden functionality which might be worth investigating.
I also discovered that Products are still created (internally to clipf) even if clipf was unable to read to the DB file.
I would like to change the encoding of the DB files to something clipf is not expecting. Implicitly, I am using the "all-the-ways" heuristic as a way of learning about the startup/pre-config state.
There is a way of updating the Products, so there must(?) be a delete event/deleting state.
Potentially interesting states to investigate:
- Pre-config (Before ~/.clipf/ has been created)
- Startup (While config. options and databases loaded, ~/.clipf/ created (if applicable), migration to newer DB version)
- Writing state
- Reading state
- Deleting state
- Shutdown
- Error handling state